"Caring for people and planet"
Based on renowned world movement "Art of Mentoring"
What is Nature Connection?
Awareness: nature awareness, people awareness, oneness with all.
Belonging & Community: Truly knowing our place on the Planet.
Connection: Real relationship with animals, plants, trees, the elements, the Earth and people.
What is in it for you?
Stories, songs, games, mentors, nature actitivites, nature education, supportive community and much more.
Booking and what to bring
Booking is essential via text to: 075 0443 8763.
Important: Parents are responsible for their children at all times.
Please bring a pack lunch and a spare set of clothes and wellies for your child if they would like to play in the stream.
The stream is a great source of fun for the children and the adults too.
We look forward to sharing a wonderful Nature Connection experience with you!
Nature Connection for Families - Balerno
Nature Connection for Families - Ayrshire
Connecting families with nature, our Nature Connection promotes and develops positive health and wellbeing. Sharing what's abundant in our own lives and marvelling at the richness of life that the Earth shares with us, in all it's varied forms.
Suitable for families with children age 1 to 15 yrs old
Exchange: By donation

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