Planetary Healing Code of Conduct
* User of our services should read as: General adults, Young people age 16 to 21 yrs old, Children accompanied by their parent/guardian, Vulnerable adults, Volunteers, any Clients.
You should:
- play your part in helping to develop an ethos where all people matter and are treated equally, and with respect and dignity.
- always put the care, welfare and safety needs of users of our services first.
- Respect the rights of a user of our services to be involved in making choices and decisions which directly affect them.
- listen attentively to any ideas and views a user of our services wants to share with you.
- respect a user of our services’ culture (for example their faith and religious beliefs).
- respect a user of our services’ right to privacy and personal space.
- know that an average of one third of the users of our services who come for classes/groups & paid private sessions are considered vulnerable adults at risk.
- know that all users of our Projects are considered vulnerable people (adults and children) at risk.
- respond sensitively to users of our services who seem anxious about participating in certain activities.
- speak to one of our board of trustees immediately if you suspect that a user of our services is experiencing bullying or harassment within our organisation.
- be aware of the vulnerability of some groups users of our services to being isolated and hurt (e.g, people with disabilities and learning difficulties; people from Gypsy & Traveller communities; Black and Minority Ethnic people, people who find themselves in a economically disadvantaged position, etc).
- ensure that when you are working with users of our services who are considered vulnerable, you are at least within sight or hearing of other people.
- be aware of the vulnerability of some groups users of our services in needing to have the boundaries clear that although you have a sympathetic ear, you are not a counsellor. (This is for those who are not registered counsellors).
- Be aware of the need for users of our services/manager/volunteer to have clear boundaries regarding the time an event or a session starts and finishes.
- never underestimate the contribution that you can make to the development of safe communities for users of our services.
You should not:
- Engage in asking questions which are not pertinent to the therapy you are offering.
- discuss personal issues about users of our services or their family with other people except with your line manager when you are concerned about the person’s well being and safety.
- be drawn into any derogatory remarks or gestures at the Centre.
- allow anyone to be bullied or harmed by anyone in the organisation.
- allow people to swear or use sexualised language at the Centre unchallenged.
You must never:
- work with vulnerable clients on an one to one session without an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate done through our organisation.
- engage in sexually provocative games.
- never allow yourself or others to engage in touching a user of our services in a sexually provocative manner.
- never make sexually suggestive comments to user of our services, even in fun.
- engage in physical contact unless it is permitted within the rules of an activity of an workshop or class/group and conforms to the code of conduct of your professional registered body.
- never form inappropriate emotional or physical relationships with your client user of our services.
- harass or intimidate a user of our services or another facilitator because of their age, “race”, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, socio-economic class or disability.
- never invite or allow your client, user of our services, to your home or invite or accept invitations for meetings in any other places, in hours outside the project.
- Give a user of our services a therapy he/she has not asked for.
- Never have a personal relationship with your client or student.or talk about your own personal problems with users of our services.
Volunteer Policy
1. Introduction
The Planetary Healing Centre runs a Holistic Health Project and a Nature Project for wide public benefit.
Volunteers are essential to our charity and make a vital contribution to our work.
The main areas where volunteers are currently active are:
. Delivering the services offered in the Holistic Health Project and the Nature project.
. Working with the public at the reception and telephone
. Help with set up, registration and running of events
. Help in liasing with facilitators, other volunteers and with the general public
. Help with ensuring health and safety requirements are met when events are taking place.
. Help with ensuring our charity's Equal Opportunities Policy is implemented
. Help with giving out flyers about our events
. Help with tidying up and cleaning up our venues
. Help with administrative work
. Help with coordinating the library
. Help with inducting volunteers
. Others
Our Charity celebrates the value of volunteering and seeks to involve volunteers in what it does in order to:
· Contribute a variety of skills, experience and perspectives to our programmes.
· Help increase knowledge and understanding about our programmes.
· Create opportunities for volunteers to learn new skills.
2. Our Commitment to Volunteers
· Recognises that voluntary work brings benefits to volunteers themselves.
· Recognises that volunteers require satisfying work and personal development and will seek to help volunteers meet these needs, as well as providing the information for them to do their work effectively.
· Will endeavour to identify activities and voluntary work which are of particular interest to volunteers.
· Will review this policy on an annual basis to ensure that it remains relevant to the organisation and takes account of new legislation.
3. Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment of volunteers will be from all sections of the community, and will be in line with our charity's Equal Opportunities Policy. We endeavour to promote our volunteering opportunities to a diverse audience, and, in particular, to encourage former participants to take on the challenge of volunteering where this is appropriate.
4. Induction
Our Volunteers will be provided with all necessary information required for volunteering. This will give volunteers an introduction to the necessary skills required for working as a volunteer, to key health and safety considerations, to our Equal Opportunities Policy, and to the types of activities that will take place.
5. The Volunteer’s Voice
Volunteers are encouraged to express their views about matters concerning our charity's volunteering activity and our events. To this end, volunteers will be asked for:
a) Written feedbacks
b) Take part in Planning days .
c) Take part in the AGM
d) Do a self-assessment once a year.
6. Insurance
All volunteers are covered by our organisation's insurance policy whilst they are on the premises or engaged in any voluntary work on the organisation’s behalf. Policies held include public and employer’s liability. We do not provide motor insurance for volunteers using their own vehicles. Volunteers are responsible for their own belongings.
7. Health and Safety
Volunteers engaged in volunteering with us will be responsible for upholding the relevant Health and Safety requirements of the venue we run our projects from and appropriate to the event.
8. Equal Opportunities
The Planetary Healing Centre is committed to equal opportunities for volunteers and participants in all aspects of its recruitment, support, training and events. Volunteers are expected to be open minded, sensitive and respectful of people’s values and experiences and should expect to be treated in the same manner. We have an Equal Opportunities Policy. A copy of the policy is available to volunteers, and volunteers are responsible for upholding this policy while they are volunteering on behalf of our charity.
9. Moving on and promotion
Volunteer, after been with us for 3 Months, have the right to request a reference on the basis of their voluntary work and will be supported to move on to other positions within our organisaiton if they choose to do so.
