how our work makes a difference
I feel a huge weight has been lifted from me that was weighing me down and clouding my thinking. I no longer react to things in the same way I used to and am much calmer and happier.
( mental health)
I have depression, insomnia, regular headaches and stress. The Nature activities help me to re-engage with life.
( mental health)
The Planetary Healing Centre helps people to access services that maybe they could not normally afford.
( bereavement )
The activities help me to manage my stress levels and to cope better with my breast cancer treatment. They also give me more energy and I feel much better. Thank you!
( breast cancer )
I use therapies to help me with symptoms of traumas
from long ago.
( trauma )
The activities have been helping me to feel restored and balanced.
( mental health )
Nature activities helps me to relax and slow down. It has also boosted my self-esteem.
( bipolar disorder )
I feel much better to face my life challenges and my participation in your activities has supported the decisions I am making. Plus my body feels more relaxed and I feel less pain.
( depression and chronic pain )
Nature activities helps me to get in touch with myself, give me strength, hope and confidence.
( depression )
I have a stronger feeling of connectedness to the world and a feeling of wellbeing. My 'separateness' is starting to disappear.
( bereavement )
I feel more balanced, more energised, more confident and relaxed.
( depression )
The sessions have a big impact in my life.
( bipolar disorder )
I am managing to cope with life so much better now. Thank you for helping me to find nature again. Your work has helped me so much and I cannot thank you enought
( physical pain )
You are excellent in making services affordable to people on low income or no income who often have a greater need because of the limitations financial difficulties can have on us. Thank you!
( mental health)
It is a tremendous help, I feel calmer, supported and more positive.
( mental health )
It has helped me to feel calm and in control of my day to day living.
( mental health)
Very beneficial effect, the nature activities has helped me to move on in my life on all levels - I have more confidence and feel more relaxed.
( mental health )
I feel supported and more positive/stronger . Holistic work has helped me to face my many life challenges and to move on from difficult situations. Plus my health has improved.
( mental health & trauma )
I feel at a stage in my life now where I can take on training and engage with life again. My whole process has been greatly enhanced by the support I received at the Planetary Healing Centre
( mental health )
Your services have given me lots of relief from worry and helped me physically to move on with my health problems.
( anxiety )